Indiana Line Diva 3 - tai iki smulkiausių detalių ištobulintas universalus dviejų juostų garsiakalbis, kurį įkvėpė ankstesni šios serijos lentyninių kolonėlių modeliai.
Indiana Line Diva 3 yra universalus dvipusis dizainas, patobulintas iki smulkiausių detalių, įkvėptas ankstesnių serijos lentyninių kolonėlių modelių. Tačiau Diva 3 modelyje yra daug patobulinimų, pagerinančių atkuriamo garso kokybę. Šiuos patobulinimus sudaro techniniai sprendimai, medžiagos ir komponentai. Diva 3 idealiai tinka mažesnėms patalpoms, kuriose gali būti sudėtinga pastatyti grindų garsiakalbius.
Among the Indiana Line models available on the market, the Diva series loudspeakers hold a special place. This top product line in the brand’s offering perfectly blends refined design with solid craftsmanship and high-quality sound reproduction. Models from the new Diva series feature mechanically and acoustically stable cabinets and a stylish finish, making them a perfect fit for any interior decor. The front panel of the column is painted with matte lacquer (white or black, depending on the color version). The rest of the box is covered with PVC veneer. Two color options are available: a black front with a black cabinet body or a white front panel with an oak body.

The Diva 3 model is a loudspeaker with a cabinet consisting of two parts made of MDF board. The first part is a 25 mm thick front panel, increasing the mechanical stability of the cabinet and preventing unwanted resonances, thereby improving sound clarity. There is a bass reflex port on the front, allowing the speaker to be placed close to the wall. The set includes a foam plug that helps control low-frequency level and lets users adjust the sound to their preferences. The front is slightly tilted back, shallower at the bottom and deeper at the top of the column. The attractive design is highlighted by the magnetically attached, acoustically transparent grille.

The midwoofer in the bookshelf Diva 3 model features a new loudspeaker basket design. The ribbing is now more streamlined, allowing for the free flow of air around the back of the membrane, reducing unwanted resonances. The basket was purpose-designed for seamless cooperation with the new proprietary Dual-Wave suspension, ensuring both excellent sound quality and aesthetics.

The 15 cm low-midrange driver in the 2-way Diva 3 loudspeaker boasts a membrane made of Curv material (polypropylene composite), delivering natural sound with precisely processed low frequencies. It’s worth noting that these membranes are produced exclusively for Indiana Line on special order.

The magnetic system in the mid-woofer has undergone optimization using finite element analysis (FEA) to enhance performance across the widest possible range of amplitudes and frequencies. The magnetic core of the transducer is highly saturated, reducing the inductance of the coil and eliminating distortion caused by changes in inductance. Additionally, inductance is linearized, as in many other Indiana Line models, using an Aluring demodulation ring. Thanks to this, the sound remains transparent and clear, regardless of the volume level, and the speakers are unafraid to reproduce even the most demanding songs or musical genres.

The low-midrange driver in the Indiana Line Diva 3 loudspeaker features a precisely designed Dual-Wave surround, which expands the range of the loudspeaker’s linear operation. This reduction in distortion, including intermodulation distortion, translates into improved articulation across the entire range, from low bass to the midrange of the acoustic band. This improvement is noticeable in the sound of a wide range of instruments, especially percussion, stringed instruments, and acoustic instruments. The Dual-Wave suspension also reduces uneven frequency response resulting from resonances on the edge of the midwoofer’s membrane. Moreover, the Dual-Wave suspension has an exceptionally aesthetic appearance, reminiscent of professional stage equipment that employ so-called accordion suspension.

The Diva 3 tweeter features a unique radial damping chamber, a distinctive feature of Indiana Line loudspeakers. It surrounds the transducer coil, enabling natural treble sound reproduction and eliminating unwanted resonances typical of conventional tweeter designs. The front of the tweeter is cast from aluminum and has an optimally shaped, rubber surface, which shapes the dispersion of high frequencies and allows to fill the listening room with them.

The speaker crossover for the Diva 3 model has been computer-optimized. Thanks to this, it was possible to predict and verify the behavior of this important speaker component before creating the physical crossover. Its simple yet unique topology was specifically chosen for the Diva 3 model and the electro-acoustic transducers used, and it underwent many hours of listening tests to confirm the achieved effects. The result is a balanced frequency response, low distortion, and minimal power losses. Proper adjustment of parameters, with a minimum impedance of 4 ohms, means that the loudspeaker can work with virtually any amplifier. The tweeter filter section exclusively employs air coils and foil capacitors, eliminating unwanted distortions that often occur with electrolytic capacitors or ferrite core coils.