
  • Automobilių stiprintuvų gidas

    Car amplifiers guide

    Are you planning to invest in a car audio system? Now is a great time to learn why car amplifiers are such an important component of a sound system. We'll...

  • Namų kino sistemos garso kolonėlių išdėstymo schema

    Schematic of Layout Layer of Home Film Systems

    Home cinemasystemsspeakerslayout diagram A well-thought-out placement of home theater speakers in the room has a clear impact on the sound quality of your system. Proper placement of speakers, even low-end...

  • Perkantiems pirmą kartą: stiprintuvų gidas

    For first -time buying: Amplifiers guide

    For first-time buyers: a guide to amplifiers Imagine that your living room has recently been supplemented with a long-awaited home audio system. You spent the whole day running the necessary...

  • Kokybiškos namų kino sistemos komplektavimo pradžiamokslis

    Starting a quality home cinema system

    In short: A home theater system consists of several important parts. This article tells you how to connect and adjust everything correctly to get the most out of your home...